
  • Herna Verhagen - Member of the Supervisory Board - has a Master in Human Resources from Tilburg University and Master in Law from Nijmegen University.
  • Biljana Kaitovic - Executive Vice President of Data, Information Technology and Digital - has a Master of Science in Information Management from Tilburg University and Master of Science in International Management from Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - IAE.
    Engie - Versorger - Frankreich
  • Gaby Bes - Senior Vice President, Head of Enterprise Resource Planning Transformation, Head of Tax and Customs - hält ein Master in Tax Economics der Tilburg University.
  • Erwin Dijkman - Head of Retail - has a Master of Law & Management in Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law from Tilburg University and Bachelor of Law & Management in Legal, Management, Economics, Accounting and Human Resources from Tilburg University.
  • Herna Verhagen - Member of the Supervisory Board - has a Master in Human Resources from Tilburg University and Master in Law from Nijmegen University.
  • Herna Verhagen - Chief Executive Officer - has a Master in Human Resources from Tilburg University and Master in Law from Nijmegen University.
  • Joris Mensen - Head of Commercial Strategy, Crop Nutrients - has a Master of Science from Tilburg University and Bachelor from Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.
    Anglo American - Bergbau - Großbritannien
  • Joyce Bierman - Vice President, Brand Creation & Design - has a Master in Marketing from Tilburg University and Bachelor in Hospitality Management from Hotelschool The Hague.
    Albert Heijn - Einzelhandel - Niederlande
  • Gerald Cartigny - Managing Director and Head of Belgium & Netherlands - hält ein Master in Finance, Economics der Tilburg University.
    Goldman Sachs Asset Management - Finanzdienstleistungen - USA
  • Manon Capel - Global Head of Tax - hält ein Degree in Law der Tilburg University.
    Swissport - Logistik - Schweiz
  • Harrie Schippers - President and Chief Financial Officer - graduierte von Tilburg University.
    Harald Seidel - Chief Executive Officer, DAF Trucks - hält ein Master in Econometrics der Tilburg University.
    Paccar - Auto - USA
  • Armando Luigi Di Giorgio - Global Human Resources Business Partner and Corporate Head of Talent - has a Master in Human Resource from Tilburg University and Master in International Relations from Luiss Guido Carli University.
    AptarGroup - Verpackung - USA
  • Epp Aasaru - Associate General Counsel, Commerce and Platform - has a Master of Laws from Tilburg University and Master of Laws from University of Amsterdam.
  • Alicja Żyła - Member of the Management Board, Chief Operating Officer - has a Marketing Training Program from Tilburg University and Master of Science in Economics and International Economic Relations from University of Economics in Katowice.
    ING Bank Slaski - Banken - Polen
  • Kees Bossers - Vice President, Global Sales Excellence - hält ein Master in Business and Commerce der Tilburg University.
  • Leon Dorssers - Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing - hält ein Master in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics der Tilburg University.
    Nissan Europe - Auto - Schweiz
  • Ed Goos - Chief Executive Officer - hält ein Doctorate, Auditing der Tilburg University.
    Allianz Trade Belgium - Versicherung - Belgien
  • Jolande Sap - Member of the Supervisory Board - graduierte von Tilburg University.
  • Régis Broersma - Chief Commercial Officer - has a Master of Business Economics with a major in Services and Retail Marketing from Tilburg University and Degree in Chemistry from Utrecht University.
    Scandinavian Tobacco Group - Tabak - Dänemark
  • Dave Horians - Head of Finance - hält ein Master in Business Economics der Tilburg University.
    Delta Fiber - Versorger - Niederlande
  • Marcel Jakobsen - Chief Technology Officer, Tax and Legal Services - hält ein Master of Laws der Tilburg University.
    PwC Netherlands - Wirtschaftsprüfer - Niederlande
  • Herna Verhagen - Director - has a Master in Human Resources from Tilburg University and Master in Law from Nijmegen University.
    International Post Corporation - Paket—/Frachtbeförderung - Belgien
  • Hetzer Ubbens - Commercial Director, Europe - has a Master of Arts in Leisure Studies from Tilburg University and Bachelor of Master in Commercial Economics from Fontys University of Applied Sciences.
  • Wouter Kriekaard - Head of Controlling - graduierte von Tilburg University.
    Also Netherlands - Großhandel - Niederlande
  • Ruud van Gils - Commercial Manager - has a Master from Tilburg University and Bachelor in Business Administration and Management, Horticulture and Marketing from HAS Den Bosch.
    Saint-Gobain Cultilene - Material - Niederlande

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